The last six months of gin sipping


We do love a good old gin and tonic at Kitchen Provision towers. That said, sometimes we like to mix it up -particularly when we have run out of tonic water. Each month we have blogged our latest gin mix. These aren't intended to be hugely complex cocktails but rather something that can be whipped up in the same time as a G&T and requiring a similarly limited range of ingredients. Here is a recap of the previous six months' drinks:

JANUARY: grapefruit and black pepper, here.

FEBRUARY: orange and rosemary, here.

MARCH: lemon and pomegranate, here, and rhubarb, here.

APRIL: plum and umeboshi, here.

MAY: rose syrup, here.

JUNE: green tea, here.

Looking forward, we will definitely be doing something with cherries this month and also have a hankering for a Ginger Tom of some sort, a drink that adds cucumber into the mix, and also a Pimms-style summer cup. Watch this space.


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